Can You Pay A Credit Card With A Gift Card. while you can use a gift card to make purchases on your credit card, you can’t use it to make a payment toward your credit. Depending on your province or territory, there may be different rules for gift. Quite simply, gift cards cannot be used to pay off credit card bills. Gift cards can only be used to make purchases and cannot be used to pay down debt. you can use them to make purchases wherever the card network is accepted, like visa or mastercard for example. two types of prepaid payment cards can potentially be used to pay bills: Learn more about why this is and how you can better use your gift card. the short answer is “no, you can’t pay your credit card bill with gift card”. Some prepaid cards even come with extra features, like cash back or other rewards. although it's far from a straightforward process, in some circumstances you may be able to use a gift card to help pay off a credit card. gift cards can be a physical card or an electronic card. In most cases, you can also withdraw cash from your prepaid card through atms.
you can use them to make purchases wherever the card network is accepted, like visa or mastercard for example. the short answer is “no, you can’t pay your credit card bill with gift card”. Learn more about why this is and how you can better use your gift card. Some prepaid cards even come with extra features, like cash back or other rewards. Depending on your province or territory, there may be different rules for gift. In most cases, you can also withdraw cash from your prepaid card through atms. while you can use a gift card to make purchases on your credit card, you can’t use it to make a payment toward your credit. Quite simply, gift cards cannot be used to pay off credit card bills. gift cards can be a physical card or an electronic card. two types of prepaid payment cards can potentially be used to pay bills:
Can You Pay a Credit Card Bill With Another Credit Card? TurboDebt
Can You Pay A Credit Card With A Gift Card although it's far from a straightforward process, in some circumstances you may be able to use a gift card to help pay off a credit card. the short answer is “no, you can’t pay your credit card bill with gift card”. Depending on your province or territory, there may be different rules for gift. although it's far from a straightforward process, in some circumstances you may be able to use a gift card to help pay off a credit card. you can use them to make purchases wherever the card network is accepted, like visa or mastercard for example. Quite simply, gift cards cannot be used to pay off credit card bills. Gift cards can only be used to make purchases and cannot be used to pay down debt. Some prepaid cards even come with extra features, like cash back or other rewards. In most cases, you can also withdraw cash from your prepaid card through atms. Learn more about why this is and how you can better use your gift card. gift cards can be a physical card or an electronic card. while you can use a gift card to make purchases on your credit card, you can’t use it to make a payment toward your credit. two types of prepaid payment cards can potentially be used to pay bills: